Saturday - July 27th, 2024

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There’s No Good Excuse This Time, Joe Rogan

There’s really no good excuse this time. Joe Rogan is releasing apology videos this week like DJ Khaled releases mixes, although they’re far less entertaining, and his latest is really not very entertaining at all. In it, Rogan apologizes for a video that’s out there that has spliced together various times he’s used the N […]

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If You’re A Human Being Living On Earth, You Need To Read This

Welcome to the column for all carbon-based life-forms. If you breathe oxygen, this is for you. And if you live on a planet, especially Earth, well, then, you’ve come to the right place. Sorry, but I’m just following the new trend in advertising: casting as absurdly wide a net as possible. Products used to be […]

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You’ll Foster Good Will Towards The Latest Video You Deserve

It’s Monday, and it’s time once again for The Video You Deserve. Now, the past several videos we’ve featured have all been vintage stuff from the ‘80s, which, arguably, is the golden age of videos. Back then it was the wild west, there were no real rules, and imagination and strangeness ruled. As time went […]

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International Women’s Day Is A Thing?

As you were scrolling through your phones or computers yesterday, you may have noticed it was International Women’s Day. I personally have been a woman for quite some time now and was completely unaware of this magnificent opportunity to celebrate my existence, until now. Anyone else? I was even more shocked to find out that […]

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Yeeeeaaah, ‘Office Space’ Reunion Is Grrreeeaat At SXSW

“Office Space” is that rare film that grew from a less-than-stellar opening to become one of the most loved (and rented) films in history. It has gained fans around the world, its popularity spreading via word-of-mouth, since the unfortunate “Big Bird” poster advertising the film was considered a major faux pas at the time. (It depicted […]

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Goodbye Winter Blues!

Are you done with winter? Are these long, dark and unnecessarily cold days giving you the Winter Blues? Well, have no fear. There is light at the end of the tunnel! Both figuratively and literally. You don’t need a doctor or scientist to tell you it can be hard to keep your spirits up after […]

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Death and Taxes, Are They Both Really That Certain?

Eccentric founding father Benjamin Franklin once wrote in a letter from 1789, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” This quote has been referred to repeatedly for the past 230 years. And while it may ring true to most, there have probably been just as many undiscovered tax […]

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The Evolution of Social Media, From BBS to Momo

We hear the concerns all the time, “social media is ruining the world,” “children no longer interact face-to-face thanks to social media,” and the latest one, which can simply be referred to as the “Momo Challenge”. Merriam-Webster’s definition of ‘social media’ explains it plainly as, “forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities […]

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